Become Superbold

Unleash your charisma! Sell more, lead stronger, and live your fullest life! With books, lectures, workshops and executive coaching, Fred teaches the superpower of boldness to CEOs and teams, along with business wisdom gained from 30 years as a successful entrepreneur.


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Fred Joyal Superbold Book

Superbold gives you a systematic, step-by-step approach that can take you to a surprising level of boldness in as little as ninety days. Ready to stop living a life of regrets and missed opportunities? It’s all possible—faster than you think. An Amazon and Wall Street Journal best seller, purchase Superbold online.

Listen to The First Chapters


see how ONe salesperson's life was changed by Fred's book


Fred takes his experiences having run 1-800-DENTIST® which, over thirty years, generated over a billion dollars in revenue, and combines it with the principles he’s created in his latest book, Superbold, to transform your team and grow your profits.


Fred’s presentations are dense with practical concepts and tactics that can be employed immediately to alter individual behavior and increase results in performance and personal growth.


Fred engages his audience with exercises and on-stage interactions to enliven his messages and make the comprehension of his principles experiential. He enjoys challenging participants to move out of their comfort zone and discover unique new capabilities.


The PRIDE Method that Fred teaches approaches leadership, sales and personal success from a different perspective, emphasizing boldness as a superpower that anyone can develop and constantly expand.


Fred delivers messages and ideas that elevate the audience, opening their mind to new approaches and insights into their work, their lives and the opportunities that life can offer. His audiences always leave motivated and uplifted, ready to live more boldly.


Having trained in stand up and improv comedy, Fred continually adds humor to his presentations. He also mines his thirty years of business leadership for his mistakes as well as his accomplishments to keep his audiences both engaged and delighted.


Fred modifies each of his presentations to suit his specific and customized audiences’ needs, making his messages relevant and specific. Often customized and dynamic content based on the audiences' reactions of the workshops and keynotes.


Listen in on testimonials given to Fred Joyal for his performance when it comes to speaking, events, keynotes, and more. Submit a keynote inquiry to learn more about Fred Joyal's rates for keynotes and workshops.

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